How would you react if a group of employees suddenly became unable to work due to a disaster, pandemic or other crisis?
Unexpected events threaten to upset the best laid plans every day. But what if—instead of a single employee calling in sick—an entire department came down with the flu, or worse?
WebMentor Skills™ provides a way to catalog employee skills and quickly analyze losses. It's business continuity planning software that helps you develop actionable response plans.
Would you know what specific skills vital employees possess if they were to suddenly leave or be unable to work? Our reports show each employee's strengths and weaknesses, which gives a clear picture of exactly what the organization has lost.
To determine the most qualified internal candidates for vacated positions, our system can be used to identify candidates with the smallest skill gaps relative to the open positions so you can quickly get back to business as usual.
Use the Individual Development Planner (IDP) tool to create skill development plans for each remaining employee. The IDPs clearly identify each employee's most critical skill gaps relative to the requirements of their new jobs.
Contact us today to explore how WebMentor Skills™ can help you prepare for the unexpected.